How important is job fit to the success of your organization?
Think about one of your best employees? Not only do they do their job well, they are highly motivated, contributing to the culture and morale of the company. What would it mean to your organization if you could determine a strong job fit during the selection process?
It all starts with understanding the job requirements in behavioral terms and matching those desired behaviors with those of the candidates. With PI’s® employee personality test, The PI Behavioral Assessment and The PI Job Assessment tool, you can achieve that match, resulting in a great fit for the job, the team and the organization. The insight derived from the Predictive Index System enables managers to highlight both fits and gaps to make better informed decisions for selection and employee development.
Having the right people in the right jobs will result in strong employee retention, increased productivity, and performance and higher morale, all of which are critical to the future and bottom line success of your business.
Learn how Predictive Index can help you achieve strong job fit and top performance.