Retain Valuable Employees
Retaining talented, motivated people is vital to the success of anycompany. Often, the primary distinguishing characteristic of an industry leader is the quality and motivation of people across the organization. In addition, the cost of turnover is enormous, not only in terms of out-of-pocket expenses related to severance, recruitment and selection, but also in lost opportunity and productivity. PI® can help to improve employee retention by improving the fit between individuals and jobs at the point of selection, by providing more rewarding work experiences, and by developing managers to lead and motivate people more effectively.
Motivate Your People
Every contact a manager has with each and every employee is an opportunity to motivate — or de-motivate. Also, every action and communication that takes place in the organization has an impact on the people in it. How will they respond? Will everyone respond in a similar manner? (Not likely.) How can we gain enthusiasm, energy and a “push from behind” for our business initiatives? How can we maximize the amount of energy each employee will devote to the benefit of the company and his or her success in the job?
PI provides very specific insights into how people are motivated, how they will perceive the demands of the environment, the kinds of work most invigorates them, and many other factors contributing to motivation.
Deal Effectively with Conflict
Ask most managers where they spend most of their, so-called, non-productive time, and most will answer, “Dealing with people issues!”
Differences and disagreements are a natural part of working together. In a healthy organization, where there are appropriate channels and ways of expressing differences, a certain amount of disagreement – or “conflict” – is energizing and often creative. However, when differences lead to personal confrontation, inappropriate aggression, or intolerably high levels of tension, something must be done to mitigate the tension and redirect the behaviors of those involved. This is the job of the manager, often in partnership with an HR professional.
PI® is a source of information that can be a very powerful tool in helping to resolve conflict. By looking at the patterns of those involved, the manager can gain an objective understanding of similarities and differences in the people that may contribute to the underlying cause of the difficulties. She or he can also use PI® to help design a way to approach the situation that will be most acceptable to, and effective with, the people involved.